I4EU - Key competences for an European model of Industry 4.0 (Academic Year 2022-2023)

Junior Talent Manager

CFU: 3
Content language:English
Course description

Over the long term, the advent of Industry 4.0 will generate a paradigm shift in the sector of human resources, giving impulse to a growing evolution of the skills requirements and professional figures, increasingly versatile and capable of continuous training. In this scenario, in fact, the need for a figure who knows how to intercept and train new professional figures is clear.

On these backgrounds, the talent manager deals, through the use of integrated systems, with activities aimed at ensuring the organization, in a perspective view, attractiveness, innovativeness of key figures, widespread motivation and the development of greater skills. In this course, the students will acquire the skills required to fill the role of junior talent manager within innovative companies that want to embrace the criteria and opportunities of industry 4.0.
Basics of IT technologies, basics of business management.




Digital transformation

Knowledge representation and modeling

  • Model Dirve engeneering
  • Easinnova methodology

Skills, time and resources management

Personal and interpersonal communication

  • Time and resources management
  • Soft skills valorization


Teamwork management and organization

  • Management and entrpreneurship  
  • Strategic vision
  • Teamworking

Cyber security and protection of infrastructures

Cyber security management

  •  Basic security concepts
  • Network communication
  • Cloud computing and security
  • Big data and analytics
  • Penetration test (pentesting)
  • Cyber threats and risks


Module 1 – Digital transformation – Business knowledge modeling

Module 2 – General soft skills

Module 3 – E-leadership and negotiations

Module 4 - Cyber Security and Protection of Critical Infrastructures

Professor not available
Video professors
Prof. Manuel Castro - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid - Spagna)
Prof. Elio San Cristobal - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid - Spagna)
Prof. Michele Missikoff - MAG-Uninettuno (Roma - Italia)
List of video lessons
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Manuel Castro
Manuel Castro
Manuel Castro
Manuel Castro
Manuel Castro
Manuel Castro
Manuel Castro
Manuel Castro
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal