I4EU - Key competences for an European model of Industry 4.0 (Academic Year 2022-2023)

Junior Tech Professional

CFU: 3
Content language:English
Course description

This course addresses the main technological processes related to Industry 4.0 and its impact on companies and businesses worldwide. It is well- known, in fact, how Industry 4.0 is affecting the ways companies are facing the beginning of a new era, in which technology represents a central core for the organization management, production, logistics and for the organization of human resources unities.

This course will give students the skills required to face the industries need for new experties aimed at accompanying the digital turn and increasing their resilience. At the end of the course the student will gain the requirements of the junior tech professional, with an active role in the definition and implementation of I4.0 solutions  processes.
Basics of IT technologies, basics of business management. 




System integration

Enable and manage solutions and platforms for Industry 4.0 companis

  • System integration tasks and challenges
  • Architecture approaches
  • Iot architecture and data analysis
  • ThinSpeak

Supply chain management

Enhance operational productivity

  • Standard methods, tools and models
  • Flow graph based analysis
  • Event graph-based analysis
  • Queue- based analysis

Enterprise interoperability

Improve enterprise logistics and architecture

  • Traditional approaches to enterprise interoperability
  • Enterprise operability frameworks
  • Cloud based approaches
  • Enterprise information systems  

Cyber security ad protection of infrastructures

Cyber security management

  • Basic security concepts
  • Network communication
  • Cloud computing and security
  • Big data and analytics
  • Penetration test (pentesting)
  • Cyber threats and risks

Digital Twin

Enable a smart manifacturing of products and ideas

  • Configuration
  • Architectures and models
  • Applications
  • 3- layered Digital twin reference model
  • Challenges and perspectives


Module 1 - Specific computer science skills for Industry 4.0 /1 - System integration

Module 2 - Specific computer science skills for Industry 4.0 /2 - Introduction to IoT

Module 3 - Supply Chain Management and Networked Enterprise

Module 4 - Enterprise interoperability

Module 5 - Cyber Security and Protection of Critical Infrastructures

Module 6 – Digital Twin

Professor not available
Video professors
Prof. Manfred Leisenberg - FachHochschule des Mittelstands (Bielefeld - Germania)
Prof. Elio San Cristobal - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid - Spagna)
Prof. David Chen - Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux - Francia)
Prof. Mamadou Kaba Traore - Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux - Francia)
Prof. Anne Zouggar - Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux - Francia)
List of video lessons
Manfred Leisenberg
Manfred Leisenberg
Manfred Leisenberg
Manfred Leisenberg
Anne Zouggar
Anne Zouggar
Anne Zouggar
Anne Zouggar
Anne Zouggar
David Chen
David Chen
David Chen
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Mamadou Kaba Traore
Mamadou Kaba Traore
Mamadou Kaba Traore
Mamadou Kaba Traore
Mamadou Kaba Traore
Mamadou Kaba Traore