I4EU - Key competences for an European model of Industry 4.0 (Anno Accademico 2022-2023)

Junior Business Strategist

CFU: 3
Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione del video-corso

Industry 4.0 is becoming highly relevant for companies that want to follow the changes of contemporary corporate practise. In fact, an efficiency-centered and novelty-centered business model design represents a pivotal goal in order to reach production efficiency and flexibility. The application of information, communication and intelligence technologies can overcome barriers and capture benefits by rethinking the existing business models.

For these reasons, compaines need to implement new knowledge into internal activities. In this course, the students will explore the possibilites deriving form digital transformation through the setup of innovative business plan and data analysis, cyber security management and international networking and partner searching.
Basics of IT technologies, basics of business management.




Digital transformation

Knowledge representation and modeling

  • Model Dirve engeneering
  • Easinnova methodology

Business plan and data analysis

Business management and modelling

  • Product business model
  • Canvas methodology
  • Formal representation of business
  • Low code platforms

International funding and partner searching

Networking and partnership management for research and transnational businesses

  •  European innovation hub and enterprise network
  • International/national funding
  • Advanced tecnologies for industries  

Cyber security and protection of infrastructures

Cyber security management

  •  Basic security concepts
  • Network communication
  • Cloud computing and security
  • Big data and analytics
  • Penetration test (pentesting)
  • Cyber threats and risks

Module 1 – Digital transformation – Business knowledge modeling

Module 2 – Business plan and data analysis

Module 3 - Business analysis and low code platforms

Module 4 - International funding and partner search

Module 5 - Cyber Security and Protection of Critical Infrastructures
Nessun Docente attualmente disponibile per questo corso
Elenco delle lezioni
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Manfred Leisenberg
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Dario Assante
Dario Assante
Dario Assante
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal
Elio San Cristobal